
Album News!!: Miley Cyrus.

After her summer album release, Miley Cyrus said she's ready for a break. "I have one more record coming out this summer in June, and then after that, I want to take a step back from music for a while," she explained. "I want to continue to do film. Later in life, another record. But for now, I'd like to focus on movies." So what can we expect from Cyrus' next batch of new music?

"My record is coming out this summer," she said. "I'm excited about that. I'm looking forward to that, and then hopefully I can continue to do more films. [The album is] a little different. It's kind of poppier, but then it still has an edge. All of my music kind of has to. I think it's really fun. It's definitely a good summer CD. It's good to blast in your car."

While much of Cyrus' music has been more pop and even touched on country, she said this next album will have a bit of a Lady Gaga influence to it. "My new record has more of a techno vibe on some stuff. It's fun," she said. "You know, I just want to kind of do all different types of music, same as I do with movies. I never want to get stuck in a rut and just do one thing."

credit to Skye from hr-encodes for this info.