
The wait is FINALLY OVER!

THAT"S RIGHT! NEW MOON HAS ARRIVED! Its been a year since Twilight sent a shock wave across the nation. Now their sending a BIGGER ONE! Summit Entertainment is releasing "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" this Friday! Already people are saying it's the movie of 2009. Looks like it has competition with alot of other great blockbusters this year.

In New Moon Edward leave Bella after an incident at her Birthday party which sends Bella into a state of depression. Bella's best friend/werewolf Jacob Black helps her out of the relationship. Bella finds herself becoming attracted to Jacob and now has to choose. After a stunt Bella decides to do, Edward cannot see her in his mind anymore and has come to the conclusion of her being dead. He has decided to reveal himself to the Volturi which could get him dead as well. Bella now has to choose. Is it going to be Jacob or Edward?

Find Out Friday when New Moon hits Theaters. Or you can pick up the book. i promise you that once you pick it up you WONT wanna put it down.

Are you excited? You gonna see it? What do you think of the new characters and Jacob's new look in this movie?? Leave some comments under this post with your reaction.